Windeward Bound
“ The voyage gave me the experience of a lifetime that I will never forget. The Windeward Bound is not just an experience for sailing but also for rough nature, climbing heights and making a lot of new friends. I would thoroughly recommend Windeward Bound Voyages to any young person. ”
— Liam, voyage trainee
“ This voyage was a truly amazing trip that I will never forget and I’m sure I have made new friends, Tasmanian and from other cultures that I will keep in touch with and visit as regularly as possible. I’m really grateful that social media will make keeping in touch easier but can’t believe that we could have had such an amazing, life changing experience with not a mobile phone in sight for 10 days! ”
— Fin, voyage trainee
“ My voyage onboard Windeward Bound was an unforgettable experience. Being able to live and work on a tall-ship for an entire week with people I had never met before seemed daunting to begin with but in the end, I wouldn’t have done it any other way. The crew onboard the Windeward Bound played a huge role in making the experience so great. I think without such a helpful, smart, approachable and funny crew I would not have learnt as much about sailing and also about myself as I did. I gained skills that would help me sail a tall ship, but more importantly I gained skills I can take away from the experience like working effectively as a team, communicating with others and sharing empathy for others. I would strongly recommend this trip to anyone, no matter what their background is because I can guarantee you will not regret it and will be able to gain something great from the experience. ”
— Charlie, voyage trainee